12 08, 2022

Turning Off Peel Beach Showers and Foot Wash


The Commissioners have received a large number of complaints this week concerning the waste of water through children playing in the showers and foot wash while there is a shortage of water and a hose pipe ban in operation. In these circumstances, the water supply to these facilities has temporarily been switched off and appropriate [...]

Turning Off Peel Beach Showers and Foot Wash2022-08-12T16:50:31+01:00
10 08, 2022

Requisition Meeting: To Reinstate Dog Access in The Spring & Summer Months On Peel Beach


A requisition meeting will be held at the Corrin Hall on Monday 15th August at 7:30pm by the Commissioners after receiving a request from more than twelve electors. The requisition meeting has been requested: To reinstate dog access to the Town beach up to 10am and after 6pm every day; and to permit full 24/7 [...]

Requisition Meeting: To Reinstate Dog Access in The Spring & Summer Months On Peel Beach2022-08-10T16:01:23+01:00

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