13 11, 2023

Peel Town Commissioners’ November Board Meeting


Peel Town Commissioners' November Board meeting will take place on Thursday 16 November 2023 at the Town Hall at 7pm. The public are welcome to attend to view proceedings and an agenda for this meeting is attached below: Public Agenda November 2023

Peel Town Commissioners’ November Board Meeting2023-11-13T09:35:25+00:00
10 11, 2023

Postponement of Commissioners Surgery on 11 November 2023


The Commissioners have postponed this Saturday's surgery because they will be attending a remembrance service on Peel Hill. The November 2023 surgery will now take place a week later on Saturday 18 November 2023. The Commissioners apologise for any inconvenience this change may cause.

Postponement of Commissioners Surgery on 11 November 20232023-11-10T08:37:20+00:00

Welcome to the new Peel.Online

We hope you find things are quite familiar from the old site, and now much easier to use on your phone and tablet. Please let us know of any problems.
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