

Minutes of Peel Commissioners’ public meetings are published here following their approval at the subsequent meeting.

All meetings start at 7:00pm, and the public are welcome to observe all meetings from the public gallery at the Town Hall.

The main business of the Commissioners is dealt with by the Board Members as a whole, sitting once per month. Meetings are conducted in two parts, the first of which is open to the public.

Meeting dates are generally on the third Thursday of the month, but will vary from this occasionally.

Budgets are published in the new year and relate to the subsequent municipal year beginning each May.

Accounts are usually approved and published in the autumn following the end of the municipal year.

Town Bye-laws and Standing Orders of the Commissioners are also published here.

Latest minutes

1710, 2024

Peel Town Commissioners’ August 2024 Minutes

Public Minutes August-2024

A copy of the minutes from the Commissioners’ August 2024 meeting is attached below:


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