Peel Town Commissioners town centre public toilets have been closed to the public since retail shopping was closed on Thursday and the public were discourage from travelling away from their homes. The Commissioners are monitoring the Government restrictions and will reopen the toilets for public use with the necessary onerous cleaning and sanitising regime once leisure travel and retail is permitted in the Town.

The Commissioners understand delivery drivers must continue to operate and this places haulage and logistic companies in a difficult situation when fulfilling their obligations to their employees. The Commissioners are happy to work with these organisations to allow them access via key code to the Commissioners’ campsite toilets off Derby Road in Peel. It should be noted these toilets will not be available for public use, the outside of the facility is monitored by CCTV, a record of entry must be completed by users, and cleaning/sanitising supplies will be available for cleaning before and after each use.

If you are interested in using these toilet facilities the access codes can be obtained by your logistics’ manager by calling the Commissioners’ Technical Officer on 491170 or the Commissioners.

The Commissioners hope these arrangements are of assistance to delivery companies and their staff.